═══ 1. Guidelines Installation ═══ Guidelines Installation Welcome! Welcome to the Guidelines Installation program. This program will perform the installation of Guidelines and any optional extension packs. Help is available at each step of the installation process, so if you are in doubt, either press the Help button or press F1. Press the Ok button to continue. ═══ 2. Installation Help ═══ Installation Help Welcome to the Guidelines Installation program. This program will perform the installation of Guidelines and any optional extension packs. Help is available at each step of the installation process, so if you are in doubt, either press the Help button or press F1. As you complete steps of the installation, a checkmark will be placed alongside those items you have finished. ═══ 2.1. Directories Menu Item ═══ Directories Menu Item Selecting this menu item will invoke the Directories dialog, which allows you to specify Source and Target directories for the installation. ═══ 2.2. Options Menu Item ═══ Options Menu Item Selecting this menu item will invoke the Options dialog, which allows you to select or deselect optional features to install, such as the sample programs, and the online documentation. ═══ 2.3. Install Menu Item ═══ Install Menu Item Selecting this menu item will begin the installation of the base Guidelines product, using the settings you have selected within the Directories and Options dialogs. ═══ 2.4. Install Extensions Menu Item ═══ Install Extensions Menu Item Selecting this menu item will invoke the Install Extensions Selection dialog, allowing you to choose a Guidelines Extension Pack to install. ═══ 2.5. Convert Menu Item ═══ Convert Menu Item Selecting this menu item will invoke the Convert GUI Files dialog, which allows you to selectively convert GUI files created by earlier versions of Guidelines. The GUI files will be upgraded to a file format compatible with the version of Guidelines being installed. ═══ 2.6. Exit Menu Item ═══ Exit Menu Item Select this menu item to leave the installation program. ═══ 3. Options Dialog ═══ Options Dialog This dialog allows you to modify the behaviour of the installation program. The following settings may be modified: ■ Update CONFIG.SYS ■ Create WPS Folder ■ Install Sample Applications ═══ 3.1. Update CONFIG.SYS ═══ Update CONFIG.SYS Guidelines needs to modify several environment variables within your CONFIG.SYS file in order to operate correctly. It will modify the following settings: LIBPATH This setting tells OS/2 where to look for Dynamic Link Libraries (.DLL). So that Guidelines may find its own DLLs when it has not been started from its installed directory, the GUIDE\SYS directory is added to this setting. PATH The PATH variable is used to find executable (.EXE) programs. To allow you to run GUIDE from the command line from any directory, the Installation program will add the GUIDE directory to the PATH environment variable. HELP This variable tells the Help Manager where to find online help files (.HLP). Guidelines itself, and all the custom controls have help files, so the Installation program will add GUIDE and GUIDE\SYS to the HELP path to find them. INCLUDE The INCLUDE path tells the compiler where C/C++ header files (.H/.HPP). The Guidelines runtime and all the controls have their own header files which are needed to compile applications, so the Installation program will add GUIDE\SYS to the INCLUDE path. LIB The LIB path tells the linker where to find libraries (.LIB), to link as a final step of building an application. As with the INCLUDE path, Guidelines and its controls need to know where to find their libraries, so the LIB path will have GUIDE\SYS added to it. GUE This setting is specific to Guidelines, as it tells Guidelines where to find the GUE extensions which support the custom controls. This will be set to GUIDE\SYS. It is recommended that you allow the Installation program to modify CONFIG.SYS for you, otherwise you will need to manually edit the file to ensure correct operation. If you opt not to have the changes done automatically, the required changes will be written to a file called CONFIG.GL within the target directory. These changes can then be applied manually before running Guidelines. ═══ 3.2. Create WPS Folder ═══ Create WPS Folder If this option is selected, the Installation program will create a Guidelines folder on your Workplace Shell Desktop, which looks like this: This folder will contain the following icons: The Guidelines editor The Installation program A folder containing all your GUI files A folder of sample Guidelines applications A folder containing executables of your applications A folder with online versions of the documentation ═══ 3.3. Install Sample Applications ═══ Install Sample Applications If this option is checked, a series of Guidelines applications will be installed into their own directories underneath the GUIDE\GUI\SAMPLES directory. There is a wide range of samples GUI files, which illustrate important techniques for creating Guidelines applications. Some applications are small and illustrate key concepts or demonstrate specific features of a control, while others are more complex, and illustrate design principles and coding examples used by the creators of Guidelines. It is recommended that all users install these samples, as even experienced programmers may learn from them. Other sample programs will be installed within the GUIDE\BIN directory which demonstrate some of the capabilities available in optional Guidelines extension packs. GUI files for these programs have not been provided as they require the extension packs to support them. ═══ 4. Installation Directories ═══ Installation Directories This dialog allows you to specify the source and target directories to be used during the installation of Guidelines. The following fields can be set: ■ Install From ■ Installation Directory ═══ 4.1. Source Directory ═══ Source Directory This is the directory from which you are installing Guidelines. It would normally be A:\ or B:\ if you are installing from a floppy drive. If you are installing from a directory on a hard drive, the Installation program will display the directory from which it was run, which should specify the location of the installation files. This field should not normally be changed. ═══ 4.2. Target Directory ═══ Target Directory This field allows you to specify the directory into which Guidelines will be installed. The default drive for installation is the OS/2 boot drive, and the default directory is GUIDE. If the target directory does not exist, it will be created. If the target directory already exists and contains an existing copy of Guidelines, then the system files will be overwritten with the version being installed. Other user files within the target directory will not be affected. The Installation program will automatically check that there is sufficient space to install all the options selected. ═══ 5. Registration Dialog ═══ Registration Dialog This dialog allows you to personalize your Guidelines package. You should enter the following information to before proceeding: ■ Registration Number ■ Name ■ Company ═══ 5.1. Registration Number ═══ Registration Number Enter your Registration Number in this field. Your unique Registration Number is supplied with your Guidelines package. If you have not purchased a registered copy of Guidelines, a blank Registration Number will be accepted which provides full functionaility within the base product, but will not support the use of any Guidelines extension packs. ═══ 5.2. Name ═══ Name Enter your name in this field to customize your Guidelines package. This name will appear in the Product Information dialog from within Guidelines. If no Company is specified, this Name will appear in your applications' Copyright notices. ═══ 5.3. Company ═══ Company Enter your Company name (if any) in this field. This Company name will appear in your applications' Copyright notices. If the Company name is not specified, the Name will appear in the Copyright notices instead. ═══ 6. Installation Status ═══ Installation Status This dialog shows the progress of the installation. It displays the actions it is performing and shows a graphical bar representing the completion percentage of the installation as it progresses. Pressing the Cancel button will abort the installation. ═══ 7. GUI Files Conversion ═══ GUI Files Conversion This dialog allows you to selectively nominate existing application GUI files to be converted into a format compatible with the latest version of Guidelines. You can optionally select files individually by pressing Select, or have the Installation program automatically search all your drives for GUI files. Once you have selected the desired files, press the Convert button to update the files. ═══ 7.1. Files List ═══ Files List This list displays all the files which have been selected for conversion. Each file may be individually selected or deselected by a single click with the Left Mouse Button (LMB). Once you are satisfied with your selections, press the Convert button. ═══ 8. Install Extensions Dialog ═══ Install Extensions Dialog This dialog displays a list of the Extension Packs which are available for installation. Select an Extension Pack to install from the Extension Pack list and press the Install button. ═══ 8.1. Extension Pack List ═══ Extension Pack List This list shows all of the Extension Packs which were located on the specified source directory. Select an Extension Pack to install, and press the Install button to proceed. ═══ 8.2. Extension Path ═══ Extension Path By default, all Guidelines extensions will be installed into the GUIDE\SYS directory. This field allows you to override the directory into which the selected extension will be installed. The directory specified will also be added to the GUE setting in CONFIG.SYS (see Update CONFIG.SYS for more information). ═══ 9. File Selection Dialog ═══ File Selection Dialog This is a standard OS/2 dialog which allows you to select one or more GUI application files for conversion from earlier releases of Guidelines. Help is available for the following: ■ Name ■ Type ■ Drives ■ Files ■ Directories ═══ 9.1. Name ═══ Name This field shows the currently selected file in the Files list. You can also type in the name of the desired file, if known. ═══ 9.2. Type ═══ Type This combo box allows you to select the Extended Attribute Type of the files to display. It is not currently used. ═══ 9.3. Drives ═══ Drives This combo box shows all the drives available on your system. To select a file on a different drive, simply click on the desired drive in the list. ═══ 9.4. Files ═══ Files This list shows the available GUI files in the current directory. You can scroll through the list and select individual files to add to the list of files to be converted. ═══ 9.5. Directories ═══ Directories This list shows a hierarchical display of the directories on the current drive. To navigate through the list, double-click on the desired directory name. As you change directories, the list of files will be updated with the GUI files in that directory.